VLADIVOSTOK, RUSSIA – JANUARY 31, 2018: A red supermoon rises over hills in the city of Vladivostok in Russia’s Far East. Yuri Smityuk/TASS (Photo by Yuri SmityukTASS via Getty Images)

Welcome back Squeamers!

This morning marked the occasion of the super blue blood moon, an occurrence last seen about 152 years ago! Did you miss it? We’ve not seen any catastrophic events in our social media news feeds, so we’re betting it’s safe to say there are no celestial prophesies we need to worry about foretelling doom on the world. Although, humanity is funny when it comes to historical accounts and remembering the difference between causation vs. correlation. There’s a rich history of humans retroactively attributing credit to unrelated celestial events when horrible or unexpected things happen. Nonetheless, there are still those which assign apocalyptic meaning to the entirely predictable clockwork of the universe; for an example, read this article.


If you missed the lunar event, you can find some fantastic images online; here are some of the sources we found:

ABC News








Hello Squeamers!

Are you expecting the end times to arrive at the end of the month? As you may remember from our Harbingers of Doom episode, even stranger superstitions have developed around celestial events and we’re expecting a rare one on January 31st, 2018! The super blue blood moon, which last appeared in March 1886, seems to be an exception to this trend however. We weren’t able to find any record of associated panic or concern. Apparently a red blue moon isn’t noteworthy enough… or maybe it the masses don’t care if the name implies that it will only impact “blue-bloods?”


To learn more about this rare event (it won’t come around again for 150 years!), you can read this article from ScienceAlert.com.


Photo credit: JDB Sound Photography Lunar Eclipse With Stars – 2010 December 20 2:58am via photopin (license)

16 Jan / 2018

Apricots & Cyanide

Welcome back Squeamers!

We’re sure you remember our episode about how too much of a good thing can be dangerous.  Perhaps you might recall that everyday foods or plants can be toxic in high concentrations from another of our episodes. Of course, we also talked about some of the dangers of “miracle cures” in another episode… Well, we found an article about an unfortunate Australian man who did not listen to our episodes on those subjects and self-medicated with supplements to prevent his cancer from returning… only to create new problems for himself. You can find that article here. Just remember, no squeam allowed!


Slideshow photo credit: what’s_the_frequency take your vitamins via photopin (license)
Blog post photo credit: keepps DSCN5130 via photopin (license)

9 Jan / 2018

Gonorrhea be Gone?

Hello Squeamers!

It seems whenever we check our news feed or Facebook we always find contemporary articles which relate to the horrible things from history we cover in our episodes; often those articles talk about still awful things can be… but today we found a recent one which talks about hope for the future! If you liked our debut episodes, One Night with Venus, Part. 1 & Part 2, then you might like this article from the BBC about new developments in finding a gonorrhea vaccine!

Slideshow photo credit: Government of Prince Edward Island Administering Flu Vaccine via photopin (license)

Blog post photo credit: Government of Prince Edward Island Administering Flu Vaccine via photopin (license)

4 Jan / 2018

It’s Aliiiiive!

Hello Squeamers!


Around the conclusion of “Season 1” of our Horrific History Podcast your hardworking co-hosts were forced to take some time off from recording. Thankfully, in the world of squeam and horror, things that first appear dead sometimes come back better than ever (or maybe equally good but different?), like Eric’s beloved Star Wars franchise. He’s taken the time to record a brief teaser to announce our upcoming “Season 2” of your favorite Horrific History Podcast with a familiar blast to the past and some new changes for the future… just remember, no squeam allowed!


(And if you disagree with Eric’s take on Star Wars, take it up with him on Twitter @nosqueamallowed!)


Blog post photo credit: Thomas Hawk His Pal Frank via photopin (license)

A Belated Squeam-Filled New Year for the Squeamers!


Traditionally, the time entering a new calendar year is spent reflecting on the year past and goals for the new year beginning. In February 2017 we were proud to bring the Horrific History Podcast, a passion project of two of our non-profit’s most valued and esteemed volunteers, Eric Slyter and Curtis Bender, to the public. It was a year for gory, disgusting fun while learning about historical subjects. We laughed, we squeamed… and so much of our enjoyment came from sharing our love of history with you. Thanks to you, our loyal listeners, we broke into 50 countries and 47 of the United States without a penny spent on promotion! We also got our first two Patreon supporters!


In 2018 we’re bringing to you “Season 2” of our Horrific History Podcast. As with any new program we’re growing, we’re morphing and adapting to our circumstances. Our growing pains may be inconvenient, but we’ll continue to publish the gooey, putrid squeam-filled content you love and stay true to our morbid roots until (hopefully) our stinking corpses rot into the earth. Stay tuned for our upcoming Season 2 trailer… but in the meantime, thank you for helping us grow! Here’s what you’ve helped give us to celebrate….


2017 Reach Milestones (as categorized by our hosting provider and in order of listenership in each category):

Countries: United States, Japan, United Kingdom, Canada, […]