28 Aug / 2018

Twelve Thousand Downloads (of Death): Special Episode

Horrific History Podcast has hit (and exceeded) a new milestone, so we’re bringing you a special episode with a guest host you’ll remember from Season 1: Curtis Bender! We hope you’ll enjoy this special recording for our 10,000-12,000 download milestones! So join us for this change of pace and hear about how the destruction of an old hospital gave Curtis rat problems, how the air quality is impacting him at work, and how all of that ties into this brand new special episode.


Listen now to learn how the 1952 Great London Smog fits the theme of our milestones and has ties that goes back seven centuries? What medieval regulations were enacted to try to tamp down on the choking miasma while bathhouses went down the drain? Discover what commercial industries, combined with a population boom, helped to exacerbate the problem. How did circumstances ultimately coalesce to create a public health disaster which would bring about change?


So sit down next to the fire with a nice cup of London Fog while you enjoy this special episode through one of your favorite podcast services (iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn and more). Come back again in two weeks to join us as we get back to our usual schedule and release our new episode on awful birth control in history.  Just remember, no squeam allowed.





If you’d like to hear the commercial-free version of this episode and receive other great perks, become a patron of our podcast on Patreon!
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Some of our favorite resources from this week’s episode:


Horrific History Podcast


Commercial break music by Dead but Dreaming.

Slideshow photo credit: Smog over London, as seen from Primrose Hill, 2011 | ©Luton Anderson/Flickr

Blog post photo credit: The Great Smog of 1952 | ©N T Stobbs/Geograph.org


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