Welcome back Squeamers!

The season of summer lovin’ has come to a close in our hemisphere, but some things stick with you after your One or Two nights with Venus. While we may not have to worry about public bath houses spreading diseases, some intimate encounters still can and this article indicates that STIs (or STDs) are steadily on the rise. Practice safe lovin’ people, to protect yourself and the ones you love (and listen to our linked old episodes to appreciate how much medicine has advanced)! Come back next week to learn the horrible methods of birth control used in history (that we in no way endorse relying on today)!

Just remember, no squeam allowed!


Slideshow photo credit: taberandrew Syphilitic Diseases via photopin (license)

Blog photo credit: NIAID Chlamydia trachomatis Bacteria and the PmpD Protein via photopin (license)